City University Enactus Program

City U Enactus

City University of Seattle Enactus, an organization working to improve life conditions worldwide, brings together experts in appropriate disciplines. Their principle is to accomplish this via entrepreneurship. Distinguished faculty advisor Kathy Cox was with us to show a recent example of this type of endeavor. She introduced Nathan Patricia and Maheesa Anastasya who were altogether impressive with their description of a most promising device, The Green Energy Stove.

It is necessary first to review a condition that prevails throughout Africa, that of cooking over a wood fire. This generates the smoke that smites the eyes and lungs and impairs the atmosphere. Also, it takes up time that could better be spent caring for one’s family. Moreover, while it takes too much time and expense to walk to a cellphone-charging center, a source of electricity.

Enter the Green Energy Stove. What are its virtues?

–      It is smokeless.

–      It can use any vegetation for fuel, i.e., plentiful bamboo.

–      It operates by clean power generators.

–      No carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide is produced.

–      The burnt fuel can be used as fertilizer.

–      Deforestation is ameliorated, since wood is not required.

–      The heat energy is converted to electricity, powering lamps and cellphones.

–      A person can borrow the cost of a stove through a microloan and then pay off the loan with proceeds from sale of electricity.

–      The surface of the stove is not hot, precluding injury.

The device has been proven in Gabon and is now ready for distribution in Gambia, Ethiopia, Gabon, and Nigeria.

Comment: This stove promises to range far.